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パナソニック 電動歯ブラシ ドルツ ピンク EW-DL37-P

  • 出版社/メーカー: パナソニック(Panasonic)
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IMDb vs 爺(メモ) [おこぼれ]


----- 引用ここから -----
First Q: Hello, Sir Ian! What was your favourite part of being Sherlock Holmes?
Working with Laura Linney

What is the biggest challenge you faced while enacting such a well-known and well-loved character?
Looking 93 years old and working with bees

What do you think the current young generation can learn from Sherlock Holmes?
Not a lot. You don't want to be like Sherlock Holmes. He's miserable!

When you begin preparing a role, what is your first step, apart from reading the script?
I read the script again, and again, and again...and try and imagine something about the character which I share.

Which is your favorite type of character? The fantasy one's (Magneto,Gandalf) or the "real"one's (Holmes, Leigh Teabing)
Well I've news for you, Gandalf is real! Though in a fantasy world. I don't know how to act fantasy.

Who was the greatest actor you never got to meet, someone who inspired you to excel on the stage?
The great English actor Laurence Olivier. I worked for him on stage, not with him. I admire the length of career

Do you see some of Sherlock Holmes' personality in you? If you do, in what traits?
Sometimes I am too absorbed by my work. Ha! We are both observers of people like all detectvies and all actors.

What is your personal favorite role of your career?
I don't like to say because the other characters might get jealous.

Are you a fan of the author George Orwell? Would you ever play him in a movie?
Excellent idea! He had a long face like me. His book "Road to WIgan Pier" is about the town where I was brought up

Do you think the Sherlock Holmes legacy will live on in many years to come?
Yes, as long as people like detective stories, Sherlock Holmes will be there. One of the first.

You think Patrick Stewart can do a better Gandalf than you?

How was it to play an aged Holmes; considering your own age, was it easier/confronting?
I have to thank Dave Elsey, who devised the "old" make-up. Once he'd put it on, and I looked in the mirror.

How was it to play an aged Holmes; considering your own age, was it easier/confronting?
I have to thank Dave Elsey, who devised the "old" make-up. Once he'd put it on, and I looked in the mirror, I saw a really old man looking back at me, and that was my starting point into the character.

Ian, which personality trait of Sherlock do you admire most?
His ability to work very hard.

Did you refer to the books when building the character, or stick strictly to the script?
Good question! I read the books very carefully and sometimes challenged the script but i n the end you have to do what the writer has written. He's thought of all the problems before the actors arrive.

If someone was to play you in a movie of your life who would it be?
Oh, Eddie no... Eddie's too beautiful. I think Tom Hiddleston could do a good job. He looks a bit like my father.
Mind you, when I was Benedict Cumberbatch's age I looked a lot like him.

My son has done a bit of acting, do u see it a long term career option or is it now tougher to break than ever before?
If I were your son, I wouldn't consider acting until I was grown up. Until you've observed the world, it's not easy
not easy to comment on it.

What do you love most about being an actor?
Working with friends, entertaining people. That is a line from "Gods and Monsters"
Spoken by James Whale, gay English director, the highest paid director in his day in Hollywood.

Congrats on @MrHolmesMovie! Any plans for another theater role in the future? Loved seeing you and @SirPatStew on broadway! @Evenstar__
Patrick and I are bringing "No Man's Land" by Harold Pinter to London next fall after its Broadway run last year.

Would you like to appear in a future Star Wars film? If so, would you like to play a protagonist, or an antagonist role?
I think it might be confusing if Gandalf turned up so far into the future, when he's busy sorting out the past.

Do you picture Mr. Holmes doing the rock circle/bowing ritual regularly or just that once? (Saw movie 3x & ordered DVD, btw.)
I think he is doing it for the first time. It's a sign that he is relating to other people in a way he hasn't before

I've always admired ur continued dedication 2 live theatre. Would u ever consider performing
I have played on stage often in Los Angeles, but still no offer from Pasadena Playhouse.

If you and Sir Patrick could play any famous duo, which would you choose?
We played a famous duo in "Waiting for Godot" but if you mean real people, I could play Stan Laurel
But Anthony Hopkins would have to play Hardy

What are your favourite genres in film, literature & the stage?
I like everything, if the script is good. I do like a good detective story. So do we all.
Unlike life, the detective gets to resolve the mystery.

Is there a role that you regret doing it?
No I don't think so. A couple of parts I've played on stage a long time ago even I can't remember how bad they were.

If you were a professional singer, which famous song you would like to be yours?"Everything is Coming up Roses for MEEEEE!!!!!!"

What advice would you give a young Ian McKellen about life, acting and dessert?
Be nice to other people. Watch other people act. Learn how to make a decent custard.

Is there a movie you wish you had a role as the leading actor?
James Bond of course. Ridiculous that I've been overlooked.

What's one of your favourite books?
From way back, “Wind in the Willows” by Kenneth Graham. Like so many kids’ books it’s set underground like “Alice”,
like “The Hobbit” hole.

Hi Sir! You have played many iconic roles in your career (Gandalf andHolmes for instance). Is it ever intimidating to you?
No, I like to work and both those series of films made me a lot of work.

Is there a piece of trivia that no one knows you'd like to be included on your IMDb profile page? :) -
Yes, there is.

Is there a historical or fictive figure you would especially love to play in a film?
I've played Adolf Hitler. I've played the writer D. H. Lawrence and the fighter T. E. Lawrence
and the writer Bernard Shaw. I'm too old for Napoleon

Thanks @imdb #IMDBAskIan for wonderful questions! See you soon.

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